
Not all estate agents are created equal …

Most of this originally appeared on the TwentyEA blog. _ One of the things that we’ve been interested in here at TwentyEA is how the asking price and the final sale price relate to each other and how the two of those relate to the “fair value” of a property.  There are a number of different strategies employed by agents; … Continue reading Not all estate agents are created equal …

Estate Agents, House Buyers & the fixation on asking prices

Me from the TwentyEA blog :- It seems to us at TwentyEA that this is less than half the story – what about what happens after the listing is won?  Let’s take three agents;  Agent 1 on average “over values” (and we know that the idea of fair value before a sale is something of an abstract one) by … Continue reading Estate Agents, House Buyers & the fixation on asking prices

Taking the tech out of CRM

One of the key debating points at our recent roundtable event was whether modern advances in CRM make tailoring services easier or harder.  With CRM technology becoming ever cheaper, the business case (seemingly) less challenging and stellar examples like Netflix and Amazon offering inspiration at every turn, it might seem that creating and sending highly-relevant, … Continue reading Taking the tech out of CRM